Laura's yoga journey started as a compliment to running and weightlifting as a way to stretch and lengthen muscles. She was hooked from the first class.

"My life after yoga is a miracle. I learned to breathe for the first time in my life. I came to yoga for another good workout and stayed for the transformation. I became soft. I opened. I let go. I forgave. I became vulnerable. I am still learning to love myself and I love others and love life in a new way as a result of this practice. I am finally able to appreciate the journey and not freak out about the steps Iā€™m taking along the way. "

Laura is also an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and completed her 200 hour YTT at Inner Bliss Yoga with the intent to help clients who were too intimidated to start out in a yoga studio. She firmly believes that yoga is for everyBODY and can be practiced for a lifetime! Her classes allow students to feel stronger and softer at the same time.